Get your band on board

Your band's members will be instrumental in the success of the program - they'll be helping you recruit new players at events, respond to emails, use word of mouth to excite new leads they meet, and generally advocate for your band and program, so it's important to get them on board. 

Sit with them and explain your process, make sure they understand it, and ask them to help you spread the word. After all, everyone benefits from a bigger, better band!

Your unique partner links aren't just for beginners. If any of your band members want to work on improving their piping or drumming, they can sign up to Dojo University too - we have courses and classes for every level of player. If you currently get them to pay yearly dues, why not substitute that for a Dojo membership? We'll give back 33% of their subscription fee to your band, no strings attached - so you’ll still be earning back their dues, and they’ll be contributing to the band’s income while gaining a musical education.


Action Steps

No need to take any action yet! Keep reading/listening through these discussion points, and later we'll give you specific action steps to perform to launch your Beginner Factory.

For now, just click "next"!



