Show me the money!

Once your beginners sign up to Dojo using your unique partner links, you'll start to see monthly payments (33% of each member’s monthly fees) from the Dojo come in.

You can check these out at any time in your Partner Portal ledger.

If you ever spot that someone’s missing from your list who should appear there (this can happen if they forget to use your link), let us know via and we can connect them to your account. 

It's entirely up to you how you choose to use the cash you get back from members you sign up. You may want to offer it back to them directly as a discount. You may want to keep it in the band's account for uniforms and ongoing expenses. You may like to add it to a social fund for your Christmas party... the list is endless!

Regardless of what you decide to do with it, though, it's a great feeling when the payments start arriving to your account.

NOTE: Members of your group who were already part of the Dojo before you became a partner will not be eligible for a commission by default. 


Action Steps

No need to take any action yet! Keep reading/listening through these discussion points, and later we'll give you specific action steps to perform to launch your Beginner Factory.

For now, just click "next"!



