Sign up for the Discord partner's group

Next, we highly recommend you join our Discord group.

Discord, for the unfamiliar, is a private message board controlled centrally by the Dojo.

Our Dojo University Discord group is a vibrant place for all of our members to interact, and partners have a private channel where we all have access to each other to bounce ideas off of, and to get help when help is needed.

If this works the way we hope it will, the Partner Discord group should be a place where all other Partner Program and Beginner Factory participants are also hanging out – so you can ask questions, share experiences and challenges, ask for advice, and just generally converse and connect with a global group of pipe band leaders.

Also, Dojo staff are active regularly on the Discord, allowing you to get help from the "home office" quickly and easily when needed.

Click here to register for our Discord, then return back here and continue on!



