What's the Catch?

At Dojo U, we believe in transparency and building trust with our partners. You might be wondering if there's a "catch" to our 33% commission offer. We're here to assure you that there isn't one. As long as you act in accordance with our rules and regulations, our partnership program is designed to share revenue with you, our valued partner, as a way of acquiring new students and expanding our community.

We understand that our partners invest time and effort into promoting Dojo U products and memberships, and we want to acknowledge your contribution to our growth. By offering you a fair commission, we aim to create a mutually beneficial relationship that rewards your dedication and helps us reach more people who can benefit from our offerings.

In essence, our commission structure serves as a cost of acquiring new students, which we're more than happy to share with you. (Actually, we'd MUCH prefer sharing it with you than giant Facebook or Google Ad engines!) We view our partners as an essential part of our success, and we're committed to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.

So, rest assured that there is no hidden catch; our partnership program is simply a way for us to work together in growing the Dojo U community while acknowledging your invaluable efforts.