Turn your players into recruiters

A band's best “billboard” for advertising is… the band! People will often be inspired when they hear you play, and come up after a performance to ask how they can learn to play themselves.

You need to have an answer for them!

Use our Canva Templates to set up business cards and postcards that your band members can hand out when people ask them, and make sure they’re familiar with the process so they can give the right information to interested beginners. We'll provide links to access these, and instructions to use them, in the last part of this course.

If you don't have time to set that all up, we’ll do it for you. At the end of the course, we'll also show you how to set up a strategy call with us to address your needs, if you want one. 


Action Steps

No need to take any action yet! Keep reading/listening through these discussion points, and later we'll give you specific action steps to perform to launch your Beginner Factory.

For now, just click "next"!



